Okuyama's washing coffee and hand-drip experience / A new experience with "Jodai Ama Sake Coffee" from July (free for all guests)

Washing coffee and hand-drip experience at Okuyama Oyama

A moment of local roasted coffee, slowly brewed with hand drip

As the name implies, "Okuyama Washed Coffee", which is roasted at a closed school standing at the foot of Oyama.
Washing raw coffee beans with Okuyama water, it is characterized by a refreshing taste without wasteful miscellaneous taste and gruffy taste.
From July 1st, there is also an “Ama Sake Coffee Experience”, where you can drink together with high-quality nama sake.

This menu is available for all accommodation plans during the period.

Plan Overview

Provision period
September 30, 2024
※Offering first-class amazake was July 1, 2024
Offer time
1F (Kashi) Local Discovery

Plan contents

Ooyama's washed coffee

Measure the roasted beans as you like, and grind the beans with a traditional hand-held mill.
It is healed by the scent that rises when grinds beans and pour hot water.
Have a relaxing time.

Ageman sake x coffee

Originally, Ama sake is often made from edible rice, while the first-generation Ama sake is produced from sake rice that can make sake Daiginjo, and is a high quality and productive taste.
Pour sweet sake to coffee like milk from cafe au lae milk and experience the gentle harmony of sweetness and aroma.

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